Information for Associations & Leagues

Let CourseVector add value to your Association with a custom-tailored Web Design Program. Our Association Web Design Programs allow us to offer our web design services to your members at an extremely discounted rate and provide commission back to your association as an added bonus.

Our Association Partners

PSAB logo – Information for Associations & Leagues

How it Works

CourseVector will set up a landing page for your web design program to which you can direct your members. This page will have imagery and colors to your association website.That’s it. It’s that simple. We will manage your program from that landing page. We will of course check in with your association occasionally to let you know how your members are enjoying the program and/or if you want to tailor the program as time progresses to better fit your member’s wants and needs.

Contact Us

Start Adding Value to Your Association’s Membership Today

If you are ready to start adding value to your association’s membership with a web design program for your association contact us below. When you contact us, please let us know about your association (how many members, type of association, member demographics, etc) so we can work with you on creating the best value for your members.